The Grip Of Death Affects More Than Reception
Tawkon, the smartphone app that claims to measure the amount of radiation emitted from your phone, has taken a look at the so-called "death grip" on Apple's iPhone 4 and determined that it does more than just hurt reception levels - it might be hurting you.
According to a video released today, the death grip not only affects the iPhone 4, but also Google's Nexus One and the Blackberry 9700, and leads to higher radiation levels on all of the above.
Tawkon is an app - currently only available for Blackberry but coming to Android soon - that offers measurements on "exposure to non-ionizing radiation." According to the company's blog, :"the way you hold the phone - and specifically blocking the receiver - increases the transmission power of the phone to maintain good cellular connectivity, and thereby increases radiation levels you're exposed to." The so-called death grip became an issue for Apple shortly after the release of its iPhone 4 in June, with users immediately noticing signal degradation when the left hand covered the lower left corner of the phone. While some have found that the issue was unique to the iPhone 4, the following video seems to confirm Apple's claims that other smartphone models experience troubles when held in certain ways.According to a video released today, the death grip not only affects the iPhone 4, but also Google's Nexus One and the Blackberry 9700, and leads to higher radiation levels on all of the above.
Vía: RRW

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